Responsive WEB Design Coding TIPS Part 3 July 3, 2017 Here are some tools that can be used for responsive web design.
Responsive WEB Design Coding Tips Part 2 July 2, 2017 We will introduce support for responsive web design using both media queries and javascript (jQuery).
Responsive WEB Design Coding Tips Part 1 July 1, 2017 I will explain the basic correspondence to responsive from liquid layout using media queries with a sample.
Syntactic sugar for PHP June 30, 2017PHP 5.6 has been around for a long time as stable. However, with the release of new PHP versions, a lot of syntactic sugar has emerged. The old, very cumbersome...
PHP Coding Standards (PSR) Part 2: PSR-1 Basic Coding Standards June 29, 2017 The Terms are structured to take into account the basic coding elements required to ensure a high level of coordination in shared PHP code.
PHP Coding Standards (PSR) Part 1: Overview June 28, 2017 PSR (PHP Standard Recommendations) are the PHP coding conventions agreed upon by PHP-FIG (PHP-Framework Interoperability Group).